Custom development

We believe, and the results of our customers prove it, that only custom, “tailor-made” solutions work in the long term. So, our goal is to create an app or site that will fit your product and customers and maximize conversions.

How will we work?

With development from scratch we’ll have additional activities to gather your project details, suggest the most suitable solution and test it afterwards.


We study your data and documentation and analyze the product if you have one. Then we go to the market and seek similar solutions. We research and compare them to get the best ideas and improve them even more for you.

If you need design also, it has additional steps in the flow


It’s time to code to materialize all ideas. Our development team adjusts your existing project or creates a new one from scratch.

Our technologies

Mostly we work with the web projects, so our main tech steck is:

  • Node js, PHP(Laravel5, WordPress)
  • React/Redux + Redux thunk
  • HTML/CSS, SCSS, Boostrap, JS, jQuery, Three.js, gulp, webpack.

Final stages

We check everything one more time and adjust the project for everyday use. You are receiving a ready-to-use app, which will bring value immediately.


The product is ready but we need to ensure that it works fast and delivers your product most efficiently. So, we conduct a series of metric analyses and A/B tests. We all have an opinion on what works better, but data decides.


You get all the source code, credentials and setup to use the project. You can also continue to work with us for maintenance or future enhancement of your solution.

Ask any question about your project in the form below and get answer during one business day.

Tell us about your project

Feel free to write to us below!

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